Answer any five questions :- 1x5=5
The hormone secret from Pancreas is-
Adrenalin (b) Insulin (c) Thyroxin (d) Kinin
(ii) Due to presence of this the vision of pigeon is very fast–
(b) Iodopsin
(c) Pecten
(d) Pepsin
The part of human eye that act as refractive medium is-
(b) Retina
(c) Vtreous Humour
(d) Choroid
The oldest ancestor of Horse is- -
Equus (b)
(c) Eohippus (d) Merichippus
Phylloclade is found in -
Cactus (b) Lotus (c) Sundri (d)
Pea plant
Which part of the brain performs thermoregulation?
(a) Cerebrum (b) Cerebellum (c) Hypothalamus (d) Pons
(vii) Sclera is
located in-
Eye (b)
Ear (c)
(d) Skin
Answer any ten questions :- 1X10=10
Which sense organ balances human body?
What helps in co-ordination is plant body?
Write the full name of TSH.
(iv) Give an
example of living fossils.
(v) Name a part
of Sundri plant which has undergone adaptive changes.
Give an example of Homologous organ.
According to Lamarck, the long neck of Giraffe is an
of ……………(Fille in the blank)
Which hormone controls the secondary sexual character in
Which hormone is secreted from testes?
Write the full name of IAA .
(xi) What is Glomerulus?
(xii) Which Alkaloid is used in the treatment of eye?
(xiii) Give an example of natural reflex action?
Answers any five questions :- 2X5 =10
Mention two
methods of excretion in plants.
Mention two differences between Cerebrum and cerebellum.
Mention two differences between Plant and Animal hormone.
Mention two significance of adaptation in plant and
Where is Vestibular organ is found? What is its function?
What is Parthenocorpy?
The secretion from testes and ovary depends on which hormones?
Answers any five questions :- 3X4
What is Cytokinin? What is its
importance in Agriculture? 1+2
Who proposed the theory of ‘Natural Selection’? Discuss two types
of ‘Struggle for existence’. 1+2
Mention the role of (i) wing, (ii) flight muscles and (iii) air-sacs in
Volant adaptation in Pigeon. 1+1+1
What is fossils? What is name of the book written by
Darwin? 2+1
What is Ganglion? Name three bones
of middle ear. 1+2
What is yellow spot and blind spot? Which
portion of tongue has
taste buds for bitter taste? 2+1
(Answers any one question :- 5X1=5)
5. Discuss
the comparative study of heart of different vertebrates in support
7. Write the
adaptive importance of the followings:- 1x5=5
(a) Leaves of cactus
(c) Bones of pigeon
(d) Breathing roots in
(e) Myotome muscles in fish
(Answe any One)
8. Draw a neat and clean scientific diagram of Nephron and
label the followings : Bowman’s capsule, Glomerulus, Proximal convoluted tubule, Distal
convoluted tubule, Henle’s loop and Collecting duct. 5+3=8
9. Draw a neat and clean scientific diagram of Nephron and
label the followings: Pectoral fin, Pelvic fin, Dorsal fin, Caudal fin, Scales and lateral lines sense organ. 5+3=8